حصريا الاصدار الاخير من عملاق التعديل على الصور Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3.0 Build 677000 Final للتحكم الكامل فى الصور ذات الجودة العالية
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom برامج من شركة ادوبي Adobe برنامج المصورين والمهتمين للصور ذات الجودة العالية والاحترافية
يقوم هذا البرنامج والمختص بدعم المصورين على توفير كل الامور الملائمة والادوات المطلوبة لجعل الصور ذات وضوح وذات جودة وإضاءه بمعنى ادق معه تستطيع التحكم في الصور من سطوع او تفتيح او تقتيم او تلاعب في الوانها من تغيير في اللون او تعديل على اجزاء معينه من الصورة, والتحكم في عمل الحواف, والكتابة بجميع الاشكال على الصور, والبرنامج ايضاً يدعم الصيغة المتعارف عليها عالمياً الو وهي DNG التي تحد من مشاكل عدم تعريف الصور في بعض البرامج الاخرى التي لا تدعمها برنامج رائع ومشهور من شركة ادوبي
Adobe® Photoshop® Lightroom™ software is the professional photographer's essential toolbox, providing one easy application for managing, adjusting, and presenting large volumes of digital photographs so you can spend less time in front of the computer and more time behind the lens. So you can spend less time sorting and refining photographs, and more time actually shooting them. Its clean, elegant interface literally steps out of the way and lets you quickly view and work with the images you shot today, as well as the thousands of images that you will shoot over the course of your career. Because no two photographers work alike, Adobe Lightroom adapts to your workflow, not the other way around.
Lightroom lets you view, zoom in, and compare photographs quickly and easily. Precise, photography-specific adjustments allow you to fine tune your images while maintaining the highest level of image quality from capture through output.
And best of all, it runs on most commonly used computers, even notebook computers used on location.
New Adobe® Photoshop® Lightroom® 2 helps you sort and find the photos you want faster, target specific photo areas for more precise adjustments, and showcase your talent using more flexible printing templates. A host of other new features and enhancements make Lightroom 2 an essential upgrade for professional photographers.
Changes in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3.0 Build 677000
* Superior noise reduction: Achieve amazing, natural-looking results from your high ISO images with all-new state-of-the-art noise reduction technology. You won't need more than what's built into Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3 to get the cleanest images at any ISO.
* Lens correction: Quickly and easily perfect your images by automatically reducing lens defects like geometric distortion, chromatic aberration, and vignetting with single-click profiles. Even images from the best lenses will be improved.
* Accelerated performance: Get your digital photography tasks done fast and have more time to shoot and promote your work. Already quick performance has been dramatically accelerated in Lightroom 3, saving you time from first look to final image.
* Flickr integration: Use Lightroom almost seamlessly with Flickr, a Yahoo! service. Upload your images directly to Flickr from within the Lightroom 3 Library. When friends or clients post comments and ratings on your Flickr galleries, you can immediately see their feedback in the Lightroom 3 Library alongside your images
* Support for DSLR video files: Take advantage of new support for video files from most digital SLR cameras, which allows you to easily manage and organize both still photographs and video files side by side.
* Image watermarking: Easily embed your identity or your brand and logo in your images with more options for customizing their look. The new watermarking tool lets you apply text or graphic watermarks to a photo with adjustable size, position, and opacity.
* Easy-to-share slide show videos with music: Show your images to clients, friends, or family with more style and flair using elegant slide shows with music. Slide shows are a breeze to create, and you can share them easily by exporting them as videos, even in high definition.
* Tethered shooting: Instantly import and view images as you shoot them with tethered capture, available for select cameras. Use it to make an immediate, highly detailed check of your shot, the lighting, or the shooting setup. Or get instant feedback from clients or subjects.
* Easy image importing: Save time with fast image importing. The newly designed import interface is easy to set up and navigate, with clear visual indications of where your photos will be located and how they'll be organized after you've imported them.
* Perspective correction: Get more natural-looking results by applying powerful, nondestructive perspective correction to your images. Reduce or eliminate the distortion that can occur, for example, when you take a photograph with the camera pointed upward, causing buildings to appear to be leaning backward in your image.
* Film grain simulation: Use new sliders to easily control the amount, size, and roughness of grain that you can add to your images to simulate the look of film.
* More flexible print packages: Showcase your work in more creative formats using highly customizable print layouts, which you can save as reusable templates. With the new custom print layout creation tool, you just drag one image or several shots onto a page and resize or reposition them as you like.
Size: 161 MB
تاريخ اصدار البرنامج
08 Jun 2010
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